Please get involved in our "Calls to Action" and publicise the campaign on social media
There are currently legislative proposals in both Westminster and Holyrood to enable terminally ill adults to get help from doctors to kill themselves - assisted dying or assisted suicide - which pose a very serious threat to medical ethics and the intrinsic sanctity and dignity of every human life. The bills propose a fundamental change in the relationship between the state and an individual, and between a doctor and their patient. No longer could an individual assume that the state or their doctor will act in their best interests. Death would be recognised as a treatment for suffering.
In England and Wales, Kim Leadbeater's private member's Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill had its second reading and vote on Friday 29th November 2024. Regrettably, Parliament voted 325 votes for and 275 votes against, so the Bill has moved into the Committee Stage, with hearings from 21st January 2025, to scrutinise it more closely and consider amendments. The third and final vote in Parliament will be on 25th April 2025.
The similar Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill, was put forward in the Scottish Parliament by Iain MacArthur in March 2024 and is currently at Stage 1 of the process, being examined by the "lead committee".
We are asking people to lobby their MPs to vote against the Leadbeater Bill at the 3rd Reading on 25th April, using some great resources from other campaign groups.
CALL TO ACTION: Email your MP. UKMFA have prepared a Template Letter to help you write a personal email with your concerns. Please amend to make it personal, as duplicate emails are all grouped together and treated as one."
Deadline: ASAP
CALL TO ACTION: Email your MP and send them Together's Briefing Paper, asking them to vote NO at the 3rd reading.
Deadline: ASAP
CALL TO ACTION: Healthcare Professionals - Please sign the Our Duty of Care Letter to the Prime Minister to oppose any move to assisted suicide.
CALL TO ACTION: Scotland - Care Not Killing Petition to sign.
Dr Liz Evans presented a 10 minute analysis of developments in the Committee Stage of the Assisted Dying Bill on UK Column News on Friday 21st March.
We were delighted to welcome Amanda Hunter to discuss the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill which will have its second reading on Friday 29th November. Amanda shared her detailed and expert knowledge and warns of serious and potentially irreversible consequences, for the individual and society if the bill is passed, in this wide-ranging, fascinating and important conversation.
Lawyer Clare Wills-Harrison discusses the Assisted Dying Bill with Dr Liz Evans, raising serious concerns from a legal, ethical and practical perspective in the proposals laid out in the bill.
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There are two options for donating - DonorBox or Buy Me a Coffee.
The UK Medical Freedom Alliance is a Not-for-Profit Company limited by guarantee - No. 13080501.