Stop Water Fluoridation

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Legal Win in USA | Fluoride Action Network


The Fluoride Action Network report that, "History has been made. After 7 years of pursuing legal action against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the risk posed to the developing brain by the practice of water fluoridation, the United States District Court of the Northern District of California has just ruled on behalf of the Fluoride Action Network and the plaintiffs in our precedent-setting court case. A U.S. federal court has now deemed fluoridation an “unreasonable risk” to the health of children, and the EPA will be forced to regulate it as such. The decision is written very strongly in our favor."

This seminal case should be a nail in the coffin for water fluoridation and can be used in legal cases by campaigners around the world, including the UK.

URGENT Government Public Consultation | Community Water Fluoridation Expansion in the North East of England

We were deeply concerned to hear of a proposal to fluoridate drinking water in the North East. If this goes through this is likely to be replicated across the country as there is a stated aim to Fluoridate all drinking water in the UK, so it affects us all.

  • We have made our own submission and would strongly encourage ALL our supporters (wherever you live in the UK or world) to put in submissions to the public consultation before the deadline of Monday 17th June.
  • Fluoride Free Alliance UK have put together a page to help the public to easily complete the Consultation Survey.

CALL TO ACTION: Please submit your Consultation Response.
Deadline: Monday, 17th June 2024.

UKMFA and The Fluoride Free Alliance in Partnership

UKMFA is joining with The Fluoride Free Alliance UK and other groups worldwide in opposing the addition of fluoride to water on both health and ethical grounds, which already affects 1 in 10 UK residents.  

Adding fluoride to drinking water, as a public health measure to reduce dental decay, amounts to forced mass medication of the UK public and does not allow individuals to exercise their rights to medical choice or informed consent to freely accept or reject all medical interventions.  

As with all medical treatments, fluoride has risks as well as benefits and these risks will be significant, chronic and cumulative over a lifetime when people are exposed to it in their drinking water.

Key Issues:

  1. Contrary to misleading marketing, it is not the mineral fluoride that is added to water but a highly toxic fluoride compound, which is a hazardous waste product of other industries.
  2. The UK government proposes to increase the concentration of fluoride in water supplies to 1.0 mg/L. This is at the upper limit of the WHO safe recommendation and takes no account of an individual's intake of fluoride from other sources, such as fluoride toothpastes.
  3. Published studies are divided over whether or not water fluoridation prevent dental decays, suggesting that it may not even achieve its stated objective.  It has only been claimed to reduce dental extractions for decay by 3%.
  4. There is an abundance of scientific evidence demonstrating harm to health from mass fluoridation including increased risk of; Type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism, brittle bones, and a reduction in IQ from exposure in the womb and childhood.
  5. There are far safer ways of preventing tooth decay than fluoridating the drinking water.


UKMFA Podcast - interview with Joy Warren from the Fluoride Free Alliance UK


Ian Humphreys, Programme Director of UKMFA interviews Joy Warren (BSc. (Hons) Environmental Science), who is the National Coordinator for Fluoride Free Alliance UK - a National Activist Group formed to oppose the enforcement of Water Fluoridation in the UK.

They discuss the worrying 'one size fits all' medical treatment that the fluoridation of our drinking water represents, and the detrimental effects the chemistry has upon the human body with little or no effect on reducing dental cavities.


UKMFA Fluoride Consultation Response

  • We have put together this fully referenced summary document to give a helpful overview of the  science of water fluoridation, and the associated health and ethical issues.

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