Stop the Northern Ireland Public Health Bill

Please get involved in our "Calls to Action" and publicise the campaign on social media

UKMFA are joining many groups in opposing the proposed new Northern Ireland Public Health Bill, which would give unprecedented powers to the state in a health emergency, including the ability to mandate vaccines and preventative treatment on individuals, potentially opening the door to forced vaccinations.

It also seeks to give authorities the power to detain and quarantine individuals, force medical examinations, forcibly enter premises, require children to be kept off school and adults off work. The legislation appears to be adopting key elements of the WHO's amendments to the International Health Regulations.

This is a deeply disturbing bill, seeking to expand the powers of the state in ways which would violate fundamental principles of medical ethics - informed consent, bodily autonomy, medical choice - and also infringe many other human rights.

Public Consultation

UKMFA have put in a submission to the Public Consultation, which is running until 14th October 2024.

Predictably, the authorities have not made it easy for members of the public to respond, as it involves answering nearly 50 detailed questions relating to proposals on the 79 page policy document, which is a very time-consuming process!

Please free free to use answers from our submission to help you compose your own answers.

Calls to Action

CALL TO ACTION: UK Residents - If this legislation is passed it is likely to be adopted in the rest of the UK in due course, so it affects us all.  Please engage in the public consultation and submit your objections to this bill.
Deadline: Monday, 14th October 2024.

CALL TO ACTION: NI Residents - Please lobby your Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLP). There are Template letters you can use from campaign groups Stop The NI Health Bill, and Together.
Deadline: Monday, 14th October 2024.


Melissa Ciummei and the NI Health Bill Consultation with Michael Brentnall


An excellent short interview with NI Human Rights Lawyer, Michael Brentnall, who describes the proposed Bill as "Spine-chilling", and has the potential to take us to a "dystopian future".

He outlines all the key facts about the Bill and Consultation process.

Please share far and wide to help raise public awareness of the need to actively oppose this Bill.

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