UKMFA Open Letter to Child Health Experts and Regulators re COVID-19 Vaccination of Children


This open letter from UKMFA to child health experts and regulators raises serious concerns about the administration of COVID-19 vaccines to healthy children.  We reference current scientific evidence that clearly shows the 'risk v benefit' calculation does NOT support administering experimental COVID-19 vaccines to healthy children, who have no risk from COVID-19, yet face known and unknown risks from the vaccines.

We conclude that it would be irresponsible and unethical, as well as unnecessary, to include any children under 18 years in either the national COVID-19 vaccine rollout or in any clinical trials. The end of the current Phase 3 trials on adults must be awaited, as well as several years of safety data to rule out any potential adverse effects on autoimmune diseases, fertility, genetics (offspring) or cancers.

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