UKMFA Open Letter to GMC Chair re COVID-19 Vaccine & Doctors' Failure to Comply with GMC Consent Guidelines


UKMFA Open Letter to Dame Carrie MacEwen, General Medical Council Chair, sent on 18 July 2022.  We have not yet received a reply, despite asking for a response within 2 weeks, so we resent the letter by email and in hard copy on 28 September 2022 and requested an urgent response from the GMC.

In our letter we raise and detail grave concerns that the GMC is failing to maintain standards of decision-making and informed consent, as determined by its own guidance. Specific concerns relate to:

  • Provision of care in COVID-19 vaccination centres.
  • Omission of information regarding risks of COVID-19 vaccines when obtaining consent.

We outline in detail, the practical aspects of GMC Guidelines we are referring to and highlight the discrepancies with UKHSA Guidance and the experience of doctors and patients in daily practice, with regards to COVID-19 vaccination.

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