UKMFA Open Letter to NHS Trust CEOs re Unethical and Restrictive Hospital Visitor Policies


The UK Medical Freedom Alliance has written to NHS Hospital Trust CEOs to demand the immediate implementation of recently published NHS guidance stating that “No patient should have to attend a hospital appointment alone”.

We appeal to them to remove ALL Covid-related restrictions on the visitation of hospitalised patients and the accompanying/chaperoning of outpatients and A&E attendees, which have led to countless patients being cruelly deprived of company and support from their family and friends during times of vulnerability and suffering.  These policies are disproportionate, unethical and inhuman and the legal right to be accompanied to medical appointments and to receive healthy visitors in hospital must be upheld at all times.

We also demand that visitors should not themselves be subject to medical interventions (e.g. face masks, Covid-19 testing or vaccination) as a condition of entry.

We outline the legal and ethical duties of care that hospitals are required to give to their patients under the NHS Constitution, GMC and NMC Professional Codes of Practice, and UK and International Law.

CALL TO ACTION: If your local hospital is still restricting visitors in this way, please hand deliver our letter to your CEO/hospital and encourage other local residents to do the same.  Also please involve your local media and social media in applying pressure to encourage a change in policy.

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